Dienstag, 6. August 2024

It’s been a long time I have been here / I guess I needed time to figure things out / find my place in life and start all new / refresh your mind and all good comes to you.

Dienstag, 2. Mai 2023

you are not worthy of my love
you don't deserve a heart like mine 
you break down and don't even apologize 
you don't even try to fix you disrespect me
I have no value otherwise you would not hurt me
you are not worthy of my love


Donnerstag, 13. April 2023

I know my place. I realized exactly where I stand in your life and my worth.
/people are utilitarian

Samstag, 25. März 2023

what I truly want is intimacy. not physically
soul wise. with the bottom of your heart. understaning without speaking
late night talking about everything... 
foolish playground
silly behavior without criticism
because I know that being and acting childish sometimes should not become judgemental
on the contrary, it should be celebrated.
what I truly want is 
to be loved for what I am 
what I do and for my mistakes 
I want to be loved especially for my flaws and not in spite of them 
a love that appreciate me
not who doesn't understand what he appreciates about me and
where I'm not good enough
because I value me and I know my worth
and anyone who sees it differently can leave

Sonntag, 8. Januar 2023

sometimes I believe I'm living in a dream
can't see who is lying and who is surreal
words are heartwarming, yet
what was said was fake
the pretending stabbed at the heart
Dont misunderstand it
I didn't choose you because I needed you, I chose you even though I didn't need you. That is the difference. 

// misinterpret

Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2022

I want like-minded people who understands me
one who understands without telling,
no need to say
one who understands from a glance.
who sees my sadness even though I smile.
otherwise you are wrong here.

Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2022